Nativity Picture Reveal On Screen Game
In this nativity-themed screen game, tiles disappear to reveal a hidden picture of a person or object associated with Jesus’ birth. The first person to correctly identify the picture wins! Play this game any time throughout Advent/December with your whole congregation, children’s ministry, or small group. This resource includes ten rounds and a Bible verse reference for each image.
See a preview of the different versions below.
This versatile game has multiple options for playing:
- No-prep Game Video: Hit play and walk away. Have kids guess the person or object associated with Jesus’ birth as the hidden image is uncovered.
- 5-minute Countdown: Use the Nativity Picture Reveal game for a pre-service countdown.
- Introduce parts of the Christmas story. Divide the rounds throughout Advent/December by using the relevant hidden picture(s) to engage kids in topics related to that week's lesson.
- PowerPoint Review Game- Use your weekly review questions and allow teams to uncover a tile each time they answer a review question correctly. The first team to identify the image wins.
This download includes:
Nativity Picture Reveal Game Files
- Interactive PowerPoint (.pptx) file with title slide, 10 rounds of digital picture reveal slides, questions, & end slide
- No Prep Game Video (.mp4)
- 5-minute Countdown Video (.mp4)
See the preview video here: