Spyence Mission X Curriculum - Season 1, Episode 3
Spyence Mission X is a Kids’ Church Curriculum with Large-Group and Small-Group Components, Teacher’s Guides, Hands-On Spyence Experiments, Opening Games, Memory Verse Activities, Take-Home Activities, & More.
Each lesson includes 15 Minutes of High-Quality Video Segments, making this curriculum easy for your leaders to teach and super-fun for your students.
Season 1 focuses on Evangelism and Salvation, and the Main Point in Episode 3 is, "If we have believed in Jesus as our Savior, we can know we have eternal life with God.”
The Memory Verse is 1 John 5:13 “I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.”
Discussion Topics include how it feels knowing that you’re adopted into God’s family forever, what you can do as a member of His family to serve Him this week, and ways to show Him how grateful you are.
The kids will also learn the Top-Secret Codeword (Assurance) and its definition (knowing that we have eternal life).
See the preview video here: