Strong Women of the Bible: Box

Strong Women of the Bible: Box

  • $60.00
    Unit price per 

Inspire your congregation with the powerful stories of the "Strong Women of the Bible" media series. This comprehensive collection celebrates the courage, faith, and resilience of biblical heroines through captivating visuals and media elements. Reignite a deeper appreciation for God's favor upon women as you preach on their indelible impact.

Our Series in a Box sermon kits are packed with everything you need for a successful sermon series or event. We offer editable Graphic Design files, Video Content, and Teaching Booklets that you can use or adapt for your church.

Included upon delivery is 1 zip file with the entire Series Box that the client receives. Usually, this lineup includes:

2 Trailers Videos, 1 Bumper Video, 1 Countdown, Title Motions, Worship Backgrounds (3), Photoshop design file, Still Title Graphics, Teaching background stills (3), Social Media content, Postcard and Banner cover designs, and Lower Third content.